Simple Logos Make Lasting Impressions!
Your logo is the face of your brand and you want consumers and customers to make valuable associations between your logo and your brand.
There are a number of qualities that all effective logos have and among these qualities is clarity in the design.
A logo that is complicated in its design can make it difficult for people to create these valuable associations. A simple logo is not only easier to absorb and understand but it also will be easier for customers to recall when they see it again. Below are a few key benefits of a simplistic logo design:
Clarity of message:
A busy logo design can overwhelm customers and they may be put off. Customers associate your brand with your logo so it is best to keep your logo simple but also targeted so that the message is clear of what your brand is all about.
Ease of recall:
A complicated logo which is filled with information can make it difficult for the consumer to remember. The beauty of a simple logo design is that it requires less cognitive processing which will make it easier for your consumers to recall.
A simple logo can be recognised from a glance, while more complicated ones may be harder to figure out and require more examination. The purpose of a logo is for consumers to connect the brand with it immediately, so the quicker it is recognised the better!
Convertible across all media:
Having a simple logo will make your life a lot easier when it comes to publishing your logo across different types of media such as; print, web, embroidery, signs etc.
Having a simplistic logo will mean that it can be easily enlarged and made smaller for different medias. If your logo is busy and complicated you will loose all that detail when the logo is shrunk down and can cause visibility problems.
Aesthetic Appeal:
When designing a logo it should always be visually appealing. A logo that is attractive and looks good creates an appreciation of the brand when viewed by consumers. Simple designs are generally more attractive.
When it comes to logo design, the most effective logos are the ones which are more simplistic. It’s not just about creating a simple design, it’s about conveying the brands message in an effective way…. Less is more!